Are you struggling to cope with your child's aggressive behaviour?
Our free six-week Non-violent Resistance (NVR) programme for parents and carers starts on 5th March and can help you to:
identify what the problem is
create a calmer home environment for you and your child
learn skills to de-escalate conflict between you and your child
break the silence and stigma that surrounds child to parent aggression and violence
The programme will run for six weeks in our SPECS Family Centre.

To qualify to attend, you have to be living in the Bray and north Wicklow area and belong to one or more of these groups:
Living in a disadvantaged community
Impacted by educational disadvantage
Living in a jobless household or a household where the primary income source is low-paid and/or precarious
Long-term unemployed
With a criminal history
A refugee
An International Protection Applicant
Person with a disability
Head of one-parent families
To find our more and book your place, call Sarah Louise Cole on 086 029 7445 or email
This programme is funded under our Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP), which is co-funded by the Irish Government, through the Department of Rural and Community Development, and the European Social Fund Plus under the Employment, Inclusion, Skills and Training (EIST) Programme 2021-2027.