Baby Massage Courses
Baby massage greatly enhances the early bonding relationship between parents and caregivers and their babies. Over the five week course parents are taught basic massage techniques that they can use with their baby. By using gentle touch along with loving verbal communication, a wonderful bonding experience is shared.
Other benefits of baby massage for both parents and babies include:
Opportunity to meet other parents
Positive time with baby
Relief – of colic and wind, and of emotional stress
Relaxation- aid sleep patterns, soothes baby
Stimulation- promote development, build immunity, and help gain weight.
Can assist recovery from post-natal depression
Courses are delivered by Certified Infant Massage instructors trained by Baby Massage Ireland. Baby Massage Ireland offers the highest professional standard of Infant Massage Instructor Training courses. This course is free of charge.
Who is the course for?
Mams and Dads of babies from birth to 12 months. Classes take place in the SPECS Family Centre and other community settings.
​For more information
Please Call 01 211 6481 or Email specs@bnwap.ie

Home Visiting Programme for new parents
The Preparing For Life Home Visiting Programme is a Home Mentoring Programme for families expecting a new baby in the Greater Bray Area.
We know that having a baby can be the most wonderful experience. However it brings a lot of change and can cause stress from time to time. Our mentors are there to support parents by providing them with easy to use information to help make the best decisions for their baby. Anyone who is pregnant and who lives in the Greater Bray Area can join our home visiting programme. Our mentors are friendly and non-judgmental and respectful of your role as a parent. This programme is free of charge.
Who is the programme for?
Parents expecting a new baby in the Bray area. Visits take place in your home or elsewhere in a place of comfort and convenience within the community. Your mentor will work alongside you from pregnancy up to when your child starts school and will help you make the best decisions for you and your baby.
What topics are covered?
When you join one of our mentors will visit you every month with tip sheet information and activities based around child development and parenting. Your home visitor will bring along information about your child's development at the following stages: Pre-Birth, 0-6 months, 6-12 months, 1-2 yrs and 2-5 yrs. The information will include: how to care for yourself during pregnancy and how to prepare for birth and labour. Bonding with your baby and setting up positive routines. Feeding and weaning and good sleep routines. As baby gets older we will cover play and learning, language development and managing tantrums.
​For more information
Please Call 01 211 6481 or Email specs@bnwap.ie
Peep: Parent and Baby Groups
SPECS deliver Peep sessions in a variety of different settings, including schools, pre-schools and our own SPECS Family Centre. The groups are a structured play group that are interactive and run for approximately one hour each week. During the session we; sing a welcome song, discuss a topic, read a story, do an activity relating to the topic, sing songs and have lots of fun! The PEEP groups are free of charge.
The Peep Learning Together Programme is an evidence based programme which extends what parents/ carers are already doing, using the ORIM framework (Opportunities, Recognition, Interaction and Modelling)
The Programme aims to:
Improve the quality of the Home Learning Environment and children’s life chances by making the most of everyday learning opportunities; listening, talking, singing, playing and sharing books and stories together
Help parents develop secure relationships with their babies and children
Support babies and children to be confident communicators and learners through play
Give parents and children opportunities to meet others and have fun.
Who is it for?
The Peep groups are suitable for all ages from infancy to toddlers and can be attended by mams, dads, grandparents or carers.
​For more information
Please Call 01 211 6481 or Email specs@bnwap.ie